Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The White Redd, Kimi's Boo

Hi, I’m Robbe, and I’m married to Kimi. For some reason, she took my last name. Her maiden name also started with an 'R', so luckily for her she doesn't have to get all of her Land's End backpacks re-monogrammed. I used to live on Linwood Avenue and tried to scare the rats away at night and sweep mice out of my pantry in the day, but now I live on Grundy and try to scare the rats away at night, although the mice aren’t a problem here.  Since I was a little kid, Baltimore always seemed magical to me, I think because I’ve always held the Orioles to a higher echelon in life. Cal Ripken was my Harry Potter growing up, and Camden Yards was my Hogwarts. Now I just wish Harry Potter and Hogwarts were real and that people went to Camden Yards. But anyway, for now this is my and our home and I hope we can write some stuff that people find interesting. By interesting, I mean what’s going on at the Family Dollar on Eastern, determining the fastest route from Brewer’s Hill to downtown, and how to turn the abandoned parking lot by our house into a wiffle-ball field of dreams without the city noticing.

1 comment:

  1. You're on your way. Can't wait to come home and be the dark horse power hitter I am.
